New tournament!!!
WOTLK tourney coming up and new transmog to come with it!
Spring season of AT will conclude on May 12th, 2013. The spring tournament is scheduled to be played on the following weekend (May 18th-19th). The team holding rank 1 on ladder in 3v3 at the end of the season will be rewarded with the Brutal Gladiator Title. (This is different from last season, where the tournament winners were awarded the title)
In an effort reinvigorate the 3v3 ladder, we will reward those pushing 3v3 this season with the opportunity to unlock two new transmog sets!
Achievable at 1800 and 2000 rating in 3v3 only, we will be adding the Pirate set and the level 60 Marshal PVP set.
Anyone can qualify for this tournament by placing in the top 8 on the ladder by the end of the season.
Here's more information regarding how to qualify: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=682
The prize pool for AT Spring is as follows:
Total: €3450 prize pool ($4480 USD)
1st: €1200 ($1558)
2nd: €750 ($973)
3rd: €600 ($779)
4th: €450 ($584)
5th: €300 ($389)
6th: €150 ($194)
7th&8th: €0
I hope you guys enjoy the tournament and I look forward to seeing these new sets in arena!
For more info visit
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